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Did you say you TRACED sprites in flash?!? well... that musta been fun.... or not.
Why does luigi always have to be afraid of everything and stuff now'er days?? he was never like that before freekn luigi's mansion came out, i remember a time when luigi kicked ass.... maybe i'm getting old... either way.. i used to like luigi alot and ever sence they made him a pussy in luigi's mansion i havn't liked him anymore.... its sad..

Oh right the review of the animation... story was ok... even though i hate luigi's new personally.. when he ran into the ghost house i chuckled...
Considering that you TRACED the sprites the artwork is forgivable... but you need backgrounds dude.
And i know you traced sprites which is where the animation came from but typically when something is drawn then it moves smoother and not like a sprite anymore so the animation itself felt outta place and choppy. anyways i hope to see some better stuff from ya, if it doesnt already exist.

Genogenesis7 responds:

Yeah, I really don't like Luigi being a pussy either. I'll try not to make him that way in Super Luigi Bros. The Mo- Err.. Umm... What was I talking about? OH LOOK A SQUIRREL!


That was certainly interesting, and even though it was a loop (ME HATE LOOPS!) you found a clever and cool way in actually incorperating the fact that it loops into the storyline which beleave it or not will raise YES RAISE your score.
I do have a couple of questions as far as storyline mainly involving the sceen with the dogs cuz i'm a plothole detector.
He's a robot, how does it even fear anything to begin with?
He's made of metal, the dogs would only break their teeth on him anyways so WOULD he be afraid?
And if he had that helecopter thing from the start, why didn't he just use that to bypass the dogs and get the wire in the first place?
And was it really nessesary he have THAT particular wire? Why? because it is green? All a wire is, is a copper string wrapped in plastic so what makes a differance?
Despite all my questions i do like it as it had its own sence of style and art and had an interesting if not controversial plotline.

cyber-turnip responds:

Thanks for the comments, glad you liked it! To answer your questions

1.It wasn't fear so much as not wanting to get damaged.
2.The dogs' teeth had been replaced with dolomite by the junkyard owner and had the ability to upload computer viruses into electronic machinery.
3.He didn't know that antenna had an in-built helichopter, it just kicked in in his time of need. I know he built himself, but he just found the antenna and though ooh that'll do.
4.That particular wire also contained certain fuses and resistors and things to regulate the voltages travelling through it.

um um um um um um..... pancakes?

randomness abound in this twisted little.... awww screw my feeble attempts at trying to make myself sound like a visionary, he's eating a pidgeon! WOOHOOO!! whats next? a frog? a hampster? It was smooth and well drawn but come on man!
What kinda crack was you on??

PancakeBreakfast responds:

i dont do drugs and each year over one thou...... awww screw my feeble attempts at trying to make myself sound like an adult. ahhahah thanks for the comment anyway

wow ok...

As some people may know by now i like to do reveiws in a systematic way so my review will actually be long and detailed, so lets get started.. (ehem)
The t itle caught my attention from the get-go, i recognized names of characters.
I noticed alot of jerky motion involved in this submission, it was as though sometimes the sprites where lagging in an MMORPG and appearing in random places... some people may discredit you for using motion tweens but they are a blessing. you may want to try them.
Another thing you should try is moving the camera around so we can see the sprites up close and take the time to get good quality sprites for this, alot of people don't like sprite animation but i feel it is an opinion on their part rather than someone being lazy. Watch some of Alvin-Earthworm's stuff and you will see what i'm talking about.
I didn't hear alot of sound in the submission which is something that can make or break an entire animation. even a little background music can take something dull and boring and give it the kind of depth that will keep them comming again and again.
As for story, you gotta think of something either completely random and funny, or deeply involving and cool... two guys bumping into each other by coincedence and then desiding they was going to beat the crap outta each other for no real reason is uncreative, taking those same two guys and placing them in a situation where it is absolutly important that they be the ones to advance in the story and the other one fail is what gives characters depth.
You have some things to work on, and i know that noone is perfect. take the time to analize some of the other flashes on this site and take some notes. with a little creativity and a willingness to make your submissions shine i beleave anyone can make something that will get 10's

RASr responds:

Thank you finally a little credit the only reason it was short is becauze i was bein lazy but ty ill make a better 1

now just take a deep breath and reelaaxx.. ahhhh..

Nicely done.. its not often that i see something simply designed to make you think about something, i like those.. in fact i like those alot. I used to do things like that alot myself in high school, give friends printouts of things they read or look at and force them into using those tired and unused portions of their brains.

I'll keep my out for your other work, and keep up this sort of style of flash.

liable-to-explode responds:

thanks! i will.

not bad

Ok, ive got a few gripes so bare with me...
I felt that the scabbards (the things that hang on your belt that you slide your sword into while not in use) that mario and the toads wore were way too big for them and their swords.. you cant even see the characters, and if its 3X the size of your sword its gonna fall out and possibly stab the person walking with it. And call me a fanboy but doesn't nario use a hammer? dont get me wrong, i like swords, but if i was to do a flash animation with king dedede or something i wouldn't give him a really skinny sword, id give him his big ass mallet and watch him knock people across the battlefield! Also the scene with the lakatu and the camera, while having some funny dialog felt slow and the voice (which sounded like it came from a shittalker program) was ... well... eh...
all my complaints aside it was imaginative and it was a cool idea, i know noone is perfect and some of the artstyle needs a little work but that wont keep ya from getting a decent score from me.

teconmoon responds:

Heh... I thought the hammer was over used and I never saw a Mario movie with medieval weapons and thought it was a good idea. The Lakitu used Microsoft sam because I thought it would mix things up a tiny bit.

-_-; was expecting more

ok let me do this systematicly...
Animation: didn't do much besides show them draw their swords and running at each other and even this short bit felt kinda clunky.
Sound: was good and the voice at the beginning got me preped up and ready to see some action.
Storyline: I was ready to see two guys with swords drawn slice and dice each other up in this massive 1 on 1 battle the voice at the beginning set us up but the ending totally let me down :,(
Artwork: not the best i've ever seen but certainly not bad either, this is going to one of the factors that raise the stars for me becuase i understand that not everyone can make something look FR33KN @W$OM3.
Overall: you set up the tee and steped up to bat but somehow still managed to miss... next time you are going to do an epic showdown of two guys about to cleave each other in two.. for the love of all that you hold sacred PLEASE FINISH IT!!

ChronoNomad responds:

Well, this is just my first go at it, after all. I'm hoping to bring more of a "wow factor" to future animations, but since this was for my college course there were just too many considerations that hurt the overall production. Max 30 second animation, only two weeks to work on it...it is what it is. :P

I also purposefully left the truth of who died a mystery to promote discussion in class. It really worked, and there's nothing wrong with leaving people wanting a little more is there? ;) Some people even toyed with the idea that they both killed each other...

On the bright side, I hope to add more depth to future animations. I would have loved for this to be more frame-by-frame as opposed to vector-based, but animating with just a mouse is something of a detriment.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your review. I appreciate your honesty, and I hope you'll give my future animations the same kind of feedback.

alright then...

Animation: Besides a bunch of hyper-flashing colored backgrounds.. nonexistant
Sound: Awkward, hard to explain in further detail..
Storyline: ...... no comment
Artwork: .... i'm sorry but words in front of a blinding background isn't exactly what would make Di Vinci proud...

Overall: do i really need to say anything else? i think everyone here has given this flash 0's for a reason... and though i hate doing so myself, i agree with them.

Billy-Bean responds:

so now newgrounds is trying to outmatch da vinci?


Life seems to have that sort of cycle doesn't it?
There was a lack of backgrounds but it makes it simple and there is nothing wrong with that at all it keeps the focus on the main character.
The music suits it very well.
I can tell that all these drawnings were done on the flash program which is impressive (at least to me anyways).
A its always good to have a serious flash every once in a while to make people think about things.

ReklessCreati0n responds:

yeah, it seems to be that way, thanks for the review and your vote.

omg lolz

dude that was pretty dang great, the dialog was pricless.
"Ratchet, my longtime friend and character we didn't just make up on the spot"
and "Wait a transformer that actually TRANSFORMS??!!"
i was never a fan of the oridginal transformers but i do truely like this submission.

Battosai810 responds:

Glad you liked it, even if you didn't like the original - expect more on the way!

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