
187 Movie Reviews

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good good

That was excellent. let me break it down for you.

Sound, perfect! you finally got the syncing issue fixed!
Artwork, good, you've deffenatly got your own style.
animation, coulda put a little more work into it, i wanted to see that ball fly down at high speed down the ramp and make a bone shattering slam, and then on the second one you show like a side view of him when it hits and i looks like it hits so hard the guys watching cross their legs in sympathy then show him cough up blood or something.. just a thought.. i personally like for action to have more feel to it.
Storyline, very good, i like how you put in past referances. oh and it was funny too.

Overall it was an excellent piece, i just want to feel the action a bit more, other than that its perfect!

cyotecody555 responds:

yeah I'm too lazy Haha
I was going to show a side view but yeah :D

it was awsome and funny

Till you gotto the part with the stupid and annoying luigi screaming MARIO overand over agian with no purpose.

its a shame too this coulda been awsome beyond belief and made front page.

Luigi killed it.

lenkalamari responds:

I don't think you get the point of the movie


you have a technical problem.. you have it set to proceed when you hit the spacebar problem is sometimes it'll loop the same scene over and over agian till you stop hitting the space bar and wait for it to progress.. its hard to determain when this is going o happen.. and i almost got frusterated cuase i didnt know what as going on at first and got stuck on the scene with luigi and he kept saying "i know" "i havn't invited" over and over agian... also in some parts your english is broken.. like the line i got stuck on for example. "i havn't invited"

other than that everything was nice and well presented.. the artwork was good and the animation was well done.. you dont have alot of sound though and as far as stroyline.. well it waskinda funny but i didnt really laugh much..

bad parenting + senslessness = ?

He's not old enough to go trick or treating but he's gonna read him "the shining" and tell him he's too old for a nightlight? wow.. maybe he's better off going for adoption afterall...

poor kid will grow up to be a serial killer...


Animation: still a little quarky butit works
Sound: excellent
Artwork: pretty detailed with the backgrounds and everything.
Storyline: doesnt bad things like this usually happen to either assholes or people who are trespassing on a burial ground or something? Either way it was certainly creepy.

Overall: a nice submission to the halloween collection in my opinion.

pretty dang good!

i know this is starting to sound like a broken record but your getting better and better at this everytime.
Animation: getting good, things are no longer apearing jumpy or laggy
Sound: i thought it was decent, especially that first guard that fisher took out, he sounded really cool.. hrm i wonder who did the voice for him? XD
Artwork: your characters are actually starting to look like people now yays!
Storyline: pretty funny, i like how you held the "OMG i'm getting more food for you??!!" till the end

Overall: pretty damn cool, i look forward to your next animation submision.


Animation: smooth enough
Artwork: good
Sound: was there for what there was.
Storyline: this is where you drop the ball... your animation is a whole 2 seconds long and all it is is a little bunny just standin there when a shotgun comes up from off screen and blows its brains out.

It's too predictable, not funny becuase of its predictability, and way too short.

ugh.. how many is this now?

like 4 of these now?
What is it with everyone copying that one flash animation? seriously!
i mean the first one was.. ok becuase he was remaking something a flashnoob did and just making it the way he was originally intending it to be, the second remake by someone else was.. unnessesary, and now this one?
i mean i suposse i technically have to give it points for quality but your getting a low score becuase your just reusing the same concept thats been redone way too many times already.. that and that gay ass song is startin to piss me off.

Come up with your own storyline and you'll get more points for it.

mad-dave responds:

Its for a contest, its meant to have a similar storyline, please consider this the next time you review another entry to this contest.

its so adorable

Why does someone that cute want to die?
I'd make her change her mind *wink* *hint* *nudge*

Animation: professional, like to the point that i'd expect to see this on television.
Artwork: same as animation.
Sound: cute and adorable, just like the main character X3
Storyline: i dont understand it, i mean i get the general concept, but she seems kinda happy-go-lucky for someone who is trying to kill themself, which raises the question that i brought up earlier.. why?

Overall: this is one of the most rediculously cute things i have ever seen particularly on newgrounds, this gives cutethulu (anouther cutsy animation on this site) a serious run for its money.

Age 37, Male

Joined on 3/3/08

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