
Ulluhtac's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 935 (From 174 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,875 Points

Talesworth Adventure Ep 2

Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/465 points)

Cap and Diploma 5 Points

Complete Adventurer's Training and go forth into Talesworth

Better Him Than Me 5 Points

Send an enemy hurtling down a pit

Freeclimber 10 Points

Obtain the Ivory Tooth artifact from the Mountains

Golden Acorn 10 Points

Complete 4 forest rooms with a Gold score

In the Foothills 10 Points

Complete 4 mountain rooms with a Gold score

Paragon Path 10 Points

Complete a room with less tools than Gold requires

Rock Miner 10 Points

Collect 17 gems

Spelunking Spree 10 Points

Obtain the Diamond artifact from the Caves

Tree Hugger 10 Points

Obtain the Ebon Horn artifact from the Forest

Troll Stomping 10 Points

Complete 4 cave rooms with a Gold score

Brain Fry 25 Points

Complete all the Bonus Rooms

Epic Ranger 25 Points

Complete all the forest rooms with a Gold score

Gimme Gimme 25 Points

Collect all 34 gems

Cave King 50 Points

Complete all the cave rooms with a Gold score

Mountaineer 50 Points

Complete all the mountain rooms with a Gold score

Questy FTW 50 Points

Destroy Boneyard, make Questy rich, and save Talesworth!

Skilled Cleric 50 Points

Complete 4 catacomb rooms with a Gold score

Crypt Keeper 100 Points

Complete all the catacomb rooms with a Gold score

Tentacle Wars

Medals Earned: 10/20 (80/455 points)

Level 01 5 Points

It's time to learn some tricks

Level 02 5 Points

Team: step back then protect front line

Level 03 5 Points

Dominate! This is your only salvation

Level 04 5 Points

Cut! In the right place, at the right time

Level 05 10 Points

Master the craft of war

Level 06 10 Points

What a huge life form!

Level 07 10 Points

Your enemies - are enemies to each other

Level 08 10 Points

Get out of my corner

Level 09 10 Points

Try walking in their shoes

Level 10 10 Points

Is this place safe to hide forever?

Level 11 25 Points


Level 12 25 Points

Quick Victory: finish with him as soon as possible

Level 13 25 Points

This should be easy

Level 14 25 Points

Neutral wall

Level 15 25 Points

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Level 16 50 Points

Run as fast as you can

Level 17 50 Points

Quick team trick

Level 18 50 Points

Behind the wall

Level 19 50 Points

Predator is the top life form - become him!

Level 20 50 Points

They have no chance to survive...

Thats my dungeon

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/330 points)

Let them come! 5 Points

Survive all 3 Tutorials

Good defender 25 Points

beat all maps in chapter 1.

Best defender 50 Points

beat every map in chapter 2.

Great tamer 50 Points

Breed a level 5 dragon.

Speedplayer 50 Points

Win maps in which you early called waves (Using the "lets go" button) 10 early called waves with a factor of 1.5 or better.

The best! 50 Points

Beat all maps on chapter 1 on hard mode

Best of the best 100 Points

Beat every map in chapter 1 and 2 on hard mode!

The Bester Game Ever Made

Medals Earned: 3/16 (65/455 points)

Good Call 5 Points

Choose to play this amazing game of ours that makes you feel better about the world you live in.

Sorry Wilson 10 Points

Lose Wilson too early.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Armed & Dangerous 10 Points

Find a spare set of arms

Comedy Gold 10 Points

Get your hands on the funniest dinosaur joke you've heard in ages.

Fonz Whisperer 10 Points

Discover the hidden thoughts of The Fonz.

I Have Crabs! 10 Points

Prove you're a genius by figuring out how to capture the crab.

Afterlife Affection 25 Points

Get a hug from the ghost... and die in the process.

Bob Buddy 25 Points

Solve all of Sunburned Bob's problems.

Eye For Value 25 Points

Catch some poop before it lands on the ocean floor.

Snowcone Savior 25 Points

Save the day with the power of a delicious snowcone.

Talkative 50 Points

Talk to at least 25 different things in the game.

Dino Master 100 Points

Beat the entire game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

the Engineer

Medals Earned: 3/7 (25/135 points)

Bomber 5 Points

Place a bomb on destructible terrain

Maxified Turret 10 Points

Upgrade any turret to its maximum

Maxified Weapon 10 Points

Fully upgrade a hand held weapon

Maxified Armor 10 Points

Fully upgrade your armor

Fully Loaded 25 Points

Buy all hand held weapons at once

Time for a FemBot 50 Points

Finish Zach Scrap's Campaign

Survivor 25 Points

Last 2 minutes in survival mode

The Visitor Returns 2011

Medals Earned: 1/2 (10/20 points)

Showdown Survivor 10 Points

Complete any 1 ending

Mutation 10 Points

Complete all 6 endings

Time Fcuk

Medals Earned: 2/9 (20/270 points)

Is something wrong? 10 Points

get to lvl 9

You are your only companion in life. 10 Points

get to level 22

You've learned nothing 5 Points

Get the bad ending

Everyone will leave you 10 Points

get to level 28

Opinionated 10 Points

vote on 3 maps

Obsessed 25 Points

Vote on 33 maps

Lost in forever 50 Points

beat an explore campaign

The Assent 50 Points

Get the good ending

O))) 100 Points

Vote on 333 maps

Tomb Defender

Medals Earned: 4/12 (45/325 points)

Quick victory 5 Points

kill enemy with one hit

Veteran 5 Points

use all 3 weapons on one level

Steady as rock 10 Points

pass the level without losing a single life

Quick Killer 25 Points

pass the level in less than 2 minutes

Banker 10 Points

(Eat 10 chickens or more for one level

Combo Master 10 Points

pass the level without losing a single life and not using any special weapon

Fire Master 10 Points

use super weapon "Fire" 20 times or more for a single combat

Glutton 25 Points

collect 100 coins or more for one level

Ice Master 25 Points

use super weapon "Ice" 20 times or more for a single combat

Champion 50 Points

kill the boss

Rock Master 50 Points

use super weapon "Gargoyle" 20 times or more for a single combat

Protector 100 Points

coffin with a vampire does not get damage

Toys Vs Nightmares

Medals Earned: 2/34 (15/500 points)

Toy warfare 101 5 Points

Completed the tutorial

Not so fast 10 Points

Destroyed a Big Bad Wolf before it jumps

An image is worth 1000 words 5 Points

Bought the Illustrated book

Black goblin down! 5 Points

Destroyed an Aviator goblin

Dangerous literature 5 Points

Bought the Popup book

First time customer 5 Points

Bought a toy

Fuzzy but deadly! 5 Points

Bought the Kamikaze bear

It came from space 5 Points

Bought the Smart alien

Living life in the fast lane 5 Points

Bought the Toy car

More toys! 5 Points

Bought the first extra slot

My piggy bank has a full belly! 5 Points

500 coins in piggy bank

Reinforcements are here! 5 Points

Bought the Army men 2

Rest in pieces! 5 Points

Destroyed a Skeleton

Say hello to my little friend-in-a-box! 5 Points

Bought the Doom-in-a-Box

Slimerrific! 5 Points

Bought the Slime catapult

The fleet is ready! 5 Points

Bought the Pirate ship

The taller they are... 5 Points

Destroyed an Ogre

Who you gonna call? 5 Points

Destroyed a Ghost

Cut the red wire! 10 Points

Destroyed a Bomber Goblin before it places the bomb

Even MORE toys! 10 Points

Bought the second extra slot

Found my nemesis 10 Points

Reached the Bogeyman's level

Is that all you've got? 10 Points

Destroyed a Bogeyman

Richest kid on the block 10 Points

1000 coins in piggy bank

They are not invited! 10 Points

Destroyed a Bogeyman before it can summon his friends

Toy empire! 25 Points

Bought every toy

Toy Master! 50 Points

Completed the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Treadmillasaurus Rex

Medals Earned: 5/10 (30/225 points)

And you've got butterfingers? 5 Points

Burn 2,000 calories

Bingo! Dino DNA! 5 Points

Burn 500 calories

More like a six-foot Turkey 5 Points

Burn 1,000 calories

When you gotta go, you gotta go 5 Points

Burn 5,000 calories

Didn't say the magic word! 10 Points

Burn 10,000 calories

He left us! 10 Points

Burn 15,000 Calories

That is one big pile of 10 Points

Burn 25,000 Calories

Hold on to your butts 25 Points

Burn 40,000 Calories

Do-you-think-he-saurus rex 50 Points

Burn 50,000 calories

UNIX! I know this! 100 Points

Burn 75,000 calories