
Ulluhtac's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 935 (From 174 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,875 Points

Folds -- Origami Game

Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/135 points)

I don't Need That! 10 Points

Beat a level without using all of the required folds.

Halfway There 25 Points

Get a total score of 1700.

Ultimate Perfection 100 Points

Get a total score of 3400(100% on every level)

Friday: The Game

Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/385 points)

Burn Baby Burn! 5 Points

Disco inferno

Cereal Killer 5 Points

What a nutty way to die!

DERP! 5 Points

Fail at typing

Have a Nice Trip! 5 Points

See you next FALL!

Oh Poop 5 Points

Wrong game, jackass!

Oh Poop II 5 Points

You found some poo!

Oh Poop III 5 Points

Well, at least now you fit into

Road Kill 5 Points

Fall out of the car.

Suicide 5 Points

Just like in every other text based game EVER!

ZAP! 5 Points

What a SHOCKING experience!

Going Viral 10 Points

Based on a true story.

Partyin, Partyin, NO! 25 Points

Just say NO !

Poop Princess 25 Points

Get all the medals involing poop. You sick freak!

Winaholic 25 Points

Find all 3 good endings.

Everybody's Rushin 50 Points

Beat the game in 2 minutes or less. (Normal ending only)

Loseaholic 50 Points

Lose in every way possible.

Partyin, Partyin, YEAH! 50 Points

Get to the party!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Gap Monsters

Medals Earned: 1/14 (25/805 points)


Complete ONE THIRD of the original levels.


Share this mind-bending space-rending life-ending game with your enemies.

SQUATTER 25 Points

Beat the Star Move for 10 GapWorld levels created by other players.

TWINKLE 25 Points

Beat the Star Move for ONE THIRD of the original levels.

VAGRANT 25 Points

Win 10 GapWorld levels created by other players.

CLUSTER 50 Points

Beat the Star Move for TWO THIRDS of the original levels.


Beat the Star Move for 20 GapWorld levels created by other players.

RED SCARE 50 Points

Complete TWO THIRDS of the original levels.


Win 20 GapWorld levels created by other players.

CLOSURE 100 Points

Complete ALL of the original levels.

GALAXY 100 Points

Beat the Star Move for ALL of the original levels.

VOYAGER 100 Points

Win 30 GapWorld levels created by other players.


Beat the Star Move for 30 GapWorld levels created by other players.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/235 points)

Stranded 5 Points

Complete the tutorial to begin your journey.

Lost and Found 10 Points

Find all the lost items.

Modular Design 10 Points

Pimp out your ride with all possible modules.

Upgrade Started 10 Points

Upgrade one of your sub-systems.

Midpoint 25 Points

Complete 10 Objectives.

Unearth 25 Points

Uncover all the buried items.

Game Complete 50 Points

Find all the Alien artifacts to complete the 'story'.

Upgrade Complete 100 Points

Upgrade all sub-systems to their maximum levels.

Goobers Arena

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/130 points)

Play! 5 Points

You've just watched the most epic arena battle of all time!

Credits Roll! 5 Points

You were so kind as to view the movie credits :3

Thank You! 5 Points

You're awesome for taking the time to view our sponsors!

Movie Reel! 10 Points

You found the secret movie reel and unlocked Scene Select!

Secret Music Track1 10 Points

You found and unlocked Secret Music Track1!

Secret Music Track2 10 Points

You found and unlocked Secret Music Track2!

Secret Remote! 10 Points

You found the secret remote and unlocked Playback Features!

Unlock Code! 25 Points

You've unlocked all features and all the badges!

Galleria! 50 Points

You found and unlocked the Weapon Gallery!


Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/60 points)

Coconuts!! 10 Points

Did I see a coconut?

WIN!! 25 Points

You completed the game. Congratulations.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Gretel and Hansel

Medals Earned: 9/18 (165/500 points)

Baby Steps 5 Points

Make Gretel walk for the first time.

Slingshot Breakfast 5 Points

Obtain the slingshot

Honey Horror 10 Points

Get Bee Death

Sucked Dry 10 Points

Get Spider Death

Time is Running Out 10 Points

Get the clock

Here is Mommy! 25 Points

Get Axe Death

Kain 25 Points

Kill Hansel

Pest Removal 25 Points

Trap the squirrel

Clockspert 50 Points

Solve clock puzzle

Bitch Slap 10 Points

Shoot mom in the face

Electra Complex 25 Points

Get Dad Carriage Death

Gretel Unit 25 Points

Take 200 shots with the slingshot

Kiss That Cyuke 25 Points

Get Rabbit Death

Pecking Order 25 Points

Get Crow Death

The Flamer 25 Points

Get Fire Death

Get Stoned 50 Points

Get all 10 stones

Pop, Rock and Drop It 50 Points

Drop all ten stones

Grimm Master 100 Points

Get all 10 deaths

Grinning Cobossus

Medals Earned: 1/12 (10/315 points)

Whining Cobossus 10 Points

Beat the game on easy difficulty

Addicted 5 Points

Load up the game five times

Don't leave yet! 5 Points

Click "more games"

Nope, not a walkthrough 5 Points

Watch the video

Pressin' F5 5 Points

Load up the game two times

5 Minutes to kill yourself 10 Points

Play for five minutes

Malicious Joy 25 Points

Score 35k in survival mode

Now you're a hero 25 Points

Beat the game on medium difficulty

This is actually fun! 25 Points

Play for half an hour

Double Kill 50 Points

Score 100k in survival mode

Easier with a rope 50 Points

Beat the game on hard difficulty

Ultimate Assassin 100 Points

Don't get hit on "hard"

Hacker vs Hacker

Medals Earned: 5/13 (25/320 points)

Button Pressed 5 Points

Do you have the guts to start play?

First Hack 5 Points

Infect your first PC!

Gold Man 5 Points

Win a gold cup!

Junior Programmer 5 Points

Code 50 viruses!

Junior Systems Administrator 5 Points


Senior Programmer 10 Points

Code 200 viruses!

Senior Systems Administrator 10 Points

Build 200 turrets!

Hacker 25 Points

Complete the game.

Lead Programmer 25 Points

Code 500 viruses!

Lead Systems Administrator 25 Points

Build 500 turrets!

Famous Hacker 50 Points

Complete the game with at least all silver cups.

Nerd 50 Points

Upgrade everything at maximum level.

Hacker King 100 Points

Complete the game with all gold cups.

Handless millionaire

Medals Earned: 2/3 (10/35 points)

Your left hand 5 Points

Your left hand has been amputated, you take it as a keepsake.

Your right hand 5 Points

Your right hand has been amputated, you take it as a keepsake.

Your fingers 25 Points

Once your fingers have been cut off so neatly that you have decided to keep them.