Animation: it exists, it's fast and frantic and jumps from one thing to another very quickly but for the most part you can tell what is happening - 3
Artwork: it's kinda sloppy but once again you can tell what is on the screen and you can tell it's something that was supposed to just be quickly done, in this particular instance it adds to the character - 3
Music: The ambient music certainly does set the tone correctly, to the point that i had to watch it again for this section of the review. If your music selection fits so well that people don't even remember if it was there upon thinking about it then it did it's job. If it was out of place or not there then it would have been noticeable - 5
Voice acting: I was going to put this in with the last category and just call it sound, but after writing so much about the music i felt it better to separate them. You can certainly tell that the same guy did all the voices, while some effort was put in make the voices at least somewhat fit the character they belong to, all of the human guy characters sound exactly the same, if you didn't have a screen to look at you wouldn't know they were different characters - 2
Story: The pacing was really fast and while i feel like that was sort of the point, as you could tell this was just something that was rushed through to just make as fast as possible, i feel like it could have benefited from a bit of a re-balance of timing. It was in the same style that Hollywood does their movie trailers and seemed to be a parody of it, even in a parody though, you need to mimic the pacing of the source material. The end of it was paced a bit better with the two turtles arguing over the straw, although that was a rather fair amount of foul language and F-bombs dropped for it to be considered "E" for everyone, maybe a "T" rating would have been more appropriate? - 3
Overall: It has a rushed feeling, but in some ways it adds to the charm a bit, it didn't make me laugh personally but i know some people that it would and it was still ultimately entertaining.