very nice
I feel that the style and art is by far some of the best i've ever seen out of a flash artist. The sound quality is great. But i have a few questions. How exactly was she breathing when she was in the obviously fluid filled tube, i didn't see a mask on her. And i don't quite understand why if she is a captive of an alien abduction why she would be outfitted with a deadly thorn throwing weopon that she in the heat of the moment, probobly confused and not having a clue as to what is going on around her, could easily overpower her guards with, and with so many bells and sirens going off why didn't she get attacked by more guards? Go ahead and say that i'm over-analizing things but its things i look for in an animation of this caliber.
One last thing, the constant shaking of the camera felt kinda awkward to me... Its good for heat of the moment combat pieces where alot of action is taking place but in the calmer not so high movment areas it feels kinda outta place. Thats just my own personal opinion.
I think this has alot going for it, it certainly has reeled me in for future episodes, and the animation, artwork and voices are topnotch.